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@темы: орг.момент

damn it!
photo from the print edition of today’s London Evening Standard in advance of Ballyturk’s premiere at the National Theatre on Sept 11

@темы: фото


in case of emergency, good luck.
damn it!
damn it!

@темы: гиф(ы)


damn it!

damn it!

@темы: гиф(ы)

damn it!

in case of emergency, good luck.
изображение изображение
изображение изображение
изображение изображение
изображение изображение
изображение изображение

@темы: гиф(ы)


in case of emergency, good luck.

Интервью для итальянцев во время Берлинского фестиваля.
ссылка, для понимающих

Немного перевода на английский.
I’m not very good at the Hollywood lifestyle and try to avoid it. The less is known about an actor the more the audience can empathize with his character. Unlike many other colleagues I don’t have an entourage. I’m the boss and make the decisions. I don’t even know what the star system is. I have worked in Hollywood many times but I don’t want to live there. I prefer to stay close to my family.
I’m an open person, I don’t subscribe to one school of thought over another and I’m open to everything. For example, I call myself an atheist but I believe you can be an atheist and nevertheless be open to other beliefs. If someone could prove to me that God exists, I would begin to have faith. But I need the evidence.
For me success is being a good husband, a good father and a good human being. In essence, being good at what I do.

@темы: интервью

damn it!
damn it!
damn it!
damn it!
imagebam.com imagebam.com

@темы: фото

damn it!
damn it!
Промо спектакля Ballyturk. Премьера 10.07.2014

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@темы: фото, промо, спектакль

damn it!
damn it!
damn it!
damn it!